Fitness Resources provides health and wellness education for corporations and their employees. Fitness Resources Corporate Education Service provides pertinent, up-to-date information from a variety of sources to help your employees make intelligent decisions on how best to improve their overall health.
We offer information to your employees through multiple channels:
• health fairs
• on-site workshops
• lectures and seminars
• articles in your company newsletters
• posters
• flyers
• fitness test results
• contests
• health-awareness quizzes
In general, information provided to your employees comes from government literature and local or national health and wellness publications. We release educational materials as your employees progress and become better able to absorb and understand more complex health and wellness information. We also synchronize our instruction with promotions that your company may be offering in order to build on and reinforce programs you already have. We design our Education Service to make all of the health and wellness information we provide easily accessible and readily available.
Fitness Resources conducts employee surveys to clarify how your company will benefit from a health and wellness program, to customize the program so that it will meet the specific needs of your employees and to analyze the program’s effectiveness so that adjustments can be made as your employees’ needs and goals evolve. Our Survey Service can be conducted prior to the design and implementation of your company’s health and fitness program. If you already have a program in place, our survey will highlight areas for improvement.
We can develop a customized survey for your employees including any or all of the following topics:
• hidden health risks
• major and minor risks for heart disease
• risk factors for having a stroke
• stress and the body
• nutrition
• risk factors for developing diabetes
• risk factors for developing cancer
The obesity epidemic in the United States has focused our national attention not only on the benefits of an active lifestyle but also on the need to eat healthier to be healthier. Fitness Resources can help your employees develop a sound nutrition program that will magnify the benefits provided by our other services.
Our Nutrition Service is designed to clear up confusion regarding “nutrition” by offering the following:
• nutrition information from federal sources and prominent universities and athletic organizations including the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness
• nutrition clinics taught by a registered dietician
Our Nutrition Service provides your employees with up-to-date nutrition information that will help them make informed choices when planning meals and selecting supplements such as protein, vitamins, minerals, herbs and other products to augment their diets.
Program cost depends on number of employee’s and the number of services provided.