Fitness Resources

Month: June 2016

How To Work Out When You’re In A Crunch

Sometimes we just don’t have the time to make it to the gym. For those days were you need to be from point A to Z and it feels like you don’t have enough hours in the day, your body weight comes in handy. You can use your own body weight to workout anywhere and anytime. No extra trip to the gym, no need to buy weights, it’s all you! Make the time in your day with this easy 15 minute workout. Read more for a full routine that’s as easy as 1-2-3, along with tips and trips to help you along the way to your fitness and health goals!

Let us help you with your goals! Contact us for a personal training session to see how we can personalize your workouts and allow you to get the most out of your fitness regimen!


1 ) Warm Up

You may only have 15 minutes, but warm ups are extremely important for preparing your muscles and increasing your range of motion, allowing you to get the most out of your exercises.

  1. 90 Seconds: Spider Lunge With Twist + Jumping Jacks
  • Start standing tall, then fold forward.
  • Walk your hands out to a high plank, then bring your right foot and set it on the floor on the outside of your right hand.
  • Reach your right arm to the ceiling and twist your torso to the right. Return your arm back to the ground and step your right foot back so that you’re in high plank. Repeat on the left side.
  • Then walk your hands back to your feet and roll up to stand. Do 10 jumping jacks, and start again from the beginning. Continue for 90 seconds.

2. 45 Seconds: Squat To Front Lunge

  • Start standing with feet hip-distance apart. Shift your weight into your heels and sit back to perform a squat, bending your knees to 90 degrees without letting them go beyond the toes.
  • Push through your heels to return to standing and now take a step forward with your right leg, and bend both knees so that you’re in a lunge position.
  • Step back to standing and repeat, starting with a squat, but now stepping forward with your left leg. Continue alternating for 45 seconds.

3. 45 Seconds: Reverse Lunge To Straight-Leg Front Kick

  • Start standing with feet hip-distance apart. Step your right leg back and lower into a lunge, aiming for a 90-degree bend in both knees.
  • As you return to standing, sweep your right leg forward into a front kick, keeping the leg straight.
  • Repeat on the left side and continue alternating for 45 seconds.



2) Full-Body Workout

Here is where the workout magic happens! This full-body workout will allow you to work the major muscles in your body while also getting that cardio in.

  1. 30 Seconds: 8 High Knees + 2 Drop Squats
  • Perform eight high knees in place, driving elbows back. (It’s like an exaggerated running in place where you’re trying to lift your knees to your hips.)  
  • Then, jump out into a squat with feet parallel, tapping your right hand on the ground between your feet. Jump back together and repeat, tapping your left hand to floor. Repeat for 30 seconds.

2. 30 Seconds: Break Dancers

  • Start on all fours with your hands and toes on the ground and your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart.
  • Lift your right hand towards the ceiling and kick your left leg through, twisting your body to face the right.
  • Come back to start and repeat on the opposite side. Continue for 30 seconds.

3. 30 Seconds: Burpee Push-Up Broad Jump

  • Start in a high plank and perform a push-up, bringing your chest as close to the floor as you can.
  • Jump your feet to the outsides of your hands. Start to stand up and instead of jumping up, jump forward (distance is the goal).
  • Now jump up and turn around 180 degrees.
  • Place your hands back on the floor and jump feet back to high plank and start from the beginning. Repeat for 30 seconds.

3) Don’t Forget To Cool Down!

This can be incorporated into whatever you’re doing next, maybe walking to your next destination, stretching while you wait for your shower water to warm up, or even stretching before you go to bed.


Lower Back Pain? Try these five stretches to help relieve it!

Pain in the lower back is extremely common, especially when you get older. By building strength in the weak areas of your back and stretching out the tight ones, you can treat and even prevent pain. Please make sure to see your doctor if you already experience back pain to make sure you are cleared to do these exercises.

pelvictiltforweb_7559-56aa41435f9b58b7d003476ePelvic Tilt

This move is great for introducing movement to a stiff spine. Begin by lying on your back. Rock your pelvis forward and backward (as seen in image below), which has the effect of flattening your lower back against the floor. This move can also be done by standing with your back against the wall. Do 10-15 rounds of this stretch.


sphinx-56aa419c3df78cf772aedd4cSphinx Pose

The position of this stretch emphasizes the curve of the lower back. Roll over onto your stomach, making sure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Press into your forearms to keep your shoulders away from your ears. Keep this stretch 5-10 breaths, rest on your stomach for a few breaths, and repeat if needed.


1-catcow-56f94bb35f9b5829866e2c25Cat-Cow Stretch (Chakravakasana)

This is a great stretch to expand the actions of the pelvic tilt into the whole spine – from tailbone to neck. Start on your hands and knees, making sure your wrists are underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath the hips. As you inhale, tilt your pelvis back so that your tail sticks up and take your gaze up gently without cranking your neck. As you exhale, tip your pelvis forward, tucking your tailbone and drop your head. Repeat with each inhale and exhale, and continue for 5-10 breaths.


childspose-56722a863df78ccc15ec87a8Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Use this position to take a pause and stretch your entire spine. Start on your knees, keeping them as wide as your mat (or shoulder width apart) with your big toes touching. Bring your belly along with your forehead to the floor, stretching your arms in front of you or back alongside of your thighs. Stay as long as you like, inhaling and exhaling deeply.


chairtwist1500-5680b7463df78ccc15a85237Chair Twist

This twist is an excellent way to keep your spine flexible. Start by sitting sideways on your chair, with your right shoulder towards the back of the chair. While holding on to the back of the chair, twist your torso to the right. Lengthen your spine on each inhale and twist on each exhale for five breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Exercise Myths Debunked

While working towards your fitness goals, you hear different things all the time about what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and how different things worked for different people. While it is very important to remember that everyone’s body is different, there are some things that indeed do need to be avoided or incorporated in your workout regimen.
Check out some of the top myths and see how you can incorporate them to meet your fitness and health goals!


1. Walking Isn’t Exercise Enough

Walking can improve your cardiovascular factors, such as blood pressure and cholesterol. It’s light on the joints, and can be sneaked in to your everyday routine without you having to take away too much time. Take a walk on your lunch break, don’t look for the closest parking spot to places you visit, or maybe even opt in for stairs instead of the elevator!


2. I Need A Sports Drink Post-Exercise

Sports drinks contain a high amount of sugar, hindering weight loss goals and being overall bad for your health. For most, only water is necessary. However, anyone exercising with high intensity for more than an hour or in extreme heath may require a drink containing electrolytes or carbohydrates.
Bonus Tip: Drink coconut water for a natural electrolyte replacement


3. I Need To Sweat To Get A Good Workout in

Sweating is the body’s method of cooling itself, and like stated before, everyone’s body is different! Don’t discredit your workout due to the fact that you didn’t break a sweat.


4. “No Pain, No Gain”

When it comes to working out, many believe that you need to be sore during the workout to see any improvements. While you should expect to be sore afterwards, you should not feel pain during your workout. If it hurts, stop the exercise, reset and try again.


5. “Running Is Bad For Your Knees”

Studies have shown that there is no significant difference in the knees of runner vs. non-runners. However, it is extremely important to wear proper running shoes and to make sure you are running distances that your body is capable of and trained for.


How Fitness Resources Can Help

Make sure to be aware of these myths while working to achieve your goals. In the meantime, let us help you achieve these goals! Below are some of the programs we offer.

Eat Clean AND Delicious!

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, what you eat will always have a large effect on your progress. Check out some of these great ways to make those foods you tend to avoid healthy for a stress free summer. Dig in!



Roasted Veggies 

When you come home after a long day, cooking just isn’t an option. But either is indulging in foods that will set you back. The answer: roasted vegetables. You can easily customize these to what you and your body needs, and they are easily packed up for the next day.

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Mix all the vegetables together with oil, salt and pepper to taste
  3. Spread veggies onto pan
  4. Roast vegetables for 35-40 minutes, removing the vegetables from the oven every 15 minutes to stir around.



Cauliflower Pizza Crust 

Slice by slice, this pizza will leave you guilt-free and even more ready to take on your fitness goals. As an excellent source of potassium and rich in the mineral boron (which aids in building muscle), cauliflower is the perfect replacement to traditional pizza dough.


  • 1 small/medium sized head of cauliflower
  • ¼ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • ¼ cup mozzarella cheese
  • 1 egg
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon basil or rosemary, minced (or dry)
  • ½ teaspoon oregano, minced (or dry)
  • 1 cup marinara sauce
  • 1-2 cups mozzarella cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Remove the stems  cut cauliflower into chunks. Place into a food processor and pulse it until it resembles the texture of rice. A cheese grater will work as well, as well as finely chopping  If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a cheese grater or chop it very finely.
  3. Microwave the processed cauliflower uncovered  for approximately 4-5 minutes on high. Remove it from the microwave and allow it to cool for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Place it in a kitchen towel and squeeze all the liquid out of it. Make sure to get most of the water out!
  5. Combine the cooked cauliflower, egg, garlic, cheese, and seasonings. Stir until a dough texture forms and spread the cauliflower mixture out onto lightly greased parchment paper or a pizza pan in the shape of a pizza crust.
  6. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the crust is golden and crispy. After the crust is golden remove it from the oven and add your toppings (easy way to add whatever foods your body needs)!
  7. Place the pizza back in the oven but this time turn on the broiler, bake for about 2-5 minutes until the cheese melts. Make sure to check frequently.


Portobello Bun

By far one of the easiest replacements, a portobello bun will hold your burger together, slash out those carbs, and replace them with nutritious goodness that will give you that extra boost for your workout. This low-calorie option contains more potassium than a banana, along with an average 3g of protein.
*Bonus Tip*
Try wrapping your burger fillings in lettuce or romaine hearts as well!



Check out full article here! 

6 Simple Ways to Cut Carbs Without Feeling Deprived


Use Veggie-Based Pasta Swaps

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Use veggie-based pasta swaps
Spaghetti Squash alla Vodka. Courtesy of


Slashing carbs from your diet can be surprisingly easy. There are plenty of ways to lighten up your carb intake without sacrificing your favorite foods!

Let’s start with pasta. Pasta is delicious, but most pasta isn’t exactly helpful if you’re trying to lose or maintain weight. Enter spaghetti squash, zucchini noodles, and

and broccoli cole slaw. You can save around 160 calories and about 30g carbs per cup with any of these veggie swaps.

Spaghetti squash is the perfect base for classic pasta pals like meatballs and marinara sauce. They have a similar texture to traditional pasta and a mild, slightly sweet flavor.

Zucchini noodles (commonly known as zoodles) are a great replacement for spaghetti or fettuccine. Just use a veggie spiralizer to create perfect zucchini noodles. And when steamed until soft, bagged broccoli slaw is an excellent option. It works well with practically any type of sauce, and there’s practically no prep required.


Use Reduced-Carb Flatbread or Tortillas Instead of Sliced Bread

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Use reduced-carb flatbread or tortillas instead of sliced bread

Turn your sandwich into a wrap. It’ll be just as delicious, and portable!

You can easily save around 100 calories and 20g carbs without sacrificing any taste by swapping out two slices of regular bread for a reduced-carb tortilla or flatbread. La Tortilla Factory’s Low Carb tortillas are one choice.


Wrap Your Sandwich or Burger in Lettuce or Cabbage

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Wrap your sandwich or burger in lettuce or cabbage
Another great swap for sandwich bread or a burger bun is to wrap your goodies up in big pieces of lettuce or cabbage. You’ll save significant calories and carbs, plus you’ll add some freshness and crunch to your meal. And if you want to go the cabbage route, just steam the leaves until partly softened. Blot dry, let cool, and store in the fridge.

Use Cauliflower as a White-Rice Swap

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Use cauliflower as a white-rice swap
A newly popular way to use this white veggie is to turn it into rice. It has the perfect texture and flavor and you can have a cup of the stuff for only around 30 calories and 7g carbs, versus a cup of white rice for 200 calories and 40g carbs. Use it anywhere you would use normal rice!


Watch out for High-Carb Veggies

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Watch out for high-carb veggies


Sure, vegetables are healthy, but some of them are surprisingly high in carbs. A cup of green peas has 21g carbs, and a cup of yellow corn kernels has around 36g carbs. If you’re strictly watching your carb intake, stick with low-carb veggies like leafy greens, asparagus, and green beans.

Do the scoop

6 Ways to Cut Carbs: Do the scoop

Scoop out the insides of carb-dense foods like bagels and potatoes. You wouldn’t believe how many carbs you’ll save. Plus, you’re making room to add yummy toppings of your choice, like marinara sauce and cheese.

For more tips ’n tricks, plus guilt-free recipes, food finds, and more, sign up for free daily emails at!